Create A Garden Office Pod Without Breaking The Bank
Enquiries about Cabin Master cabins are illustrating just how versatile a solution they are.
A Cabin Master garden office answers a challenge many are facing right now – how to work effectively from home. British designed and made at our purpose-built UK factory, a Cabin Master garden building is a cost effective and quick way to create a home office on your doorstep.
And it isn’t just those looking to work from home who are getting in touch. Many businesses are seeing the value in providing the cabins for their employees as a permanent place where their work-from-home staff will be able to deliver better results. Some are considering Cabin Master cabins as a permanent solution as an alternative to their own offices.
And then some businesses are taking their thinking to a whole different level, in one case, as you’ll read, literally. Martin is a Nottingham-based HR director responsible for the wellbeing of the whole team at his workplace, and getting a work-life balance for his employees is key, especially with the cost of living on the rise all the time.
Martin said, “Like many Nottingham businesses, we have to pay a Workplace Parking Levy (a type of congestion charging scheme) of £424 for each parking space we provide. So, like many companies, we have been looking at ways to reduce this and encouraging employees to come to work by public transport and use Park and Ride where possible.”
Martin is currently investigating the puzzle of ‘when is a parking space not a parking space’, i.e. does a firm still have to pay a parking levy if the thing parked in a space is a couple of desks in a temporary cabin. He is also checking the viability of employees getting into the city by tram, bus or train. Upon successful conclusion of these enquiries, he hopes to create what he calls a village of offices, in the car park, populated with Cabin Master Garden Office Pods.
Cabin Master Garden Office Pods were designed, as their name suggests, to help people work from home. Where space doesn’t allow for a big garden office, local planning doesn’t allow an extension, and time doesn’t allow for modification of loft space, a Cabin Master building provides a fast, cost-effective, and non-permanent solution for businesses to use on their premises.
We always knew that their potential was not limited by the name that we had chosen to give them and that a Garden Office Pod could be installed anywhere. Enquiries from businesses so far are confirming this and confirming something else that we already knew too - that business owners are an incredibly creative bunch.
At the same time that Martin was surveying his car park spaces and visualising the win/win of not paying the workplace parking levy, Claire was dreaming up an even loftier plan.
As I say, we firmly believe that a Cabin Master Office Pod can be installed anywhere. If you have a patio, we can give you office space, if you have a driveway we can provide you with a workshop, if you have a backyard … well you get the idea … we have yet to encounter a place where a Cabin Master cabin could not be erected.
I suppose what it illustrates is that, imagination, vision, and creativity are the traits that will be needed as much as the traditional business skill sets. Just from these enquiries, and others that we have received so far, businesses contacting us have these characteristics in abundance.
Your ingenuity knows no bounds! We have even been asked about the, how can I word this, the limit of the ‘functionality’ of our cabins.
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” one enquiry started and continued, “I hope I won’t offend you by asking…”
You’d be forgiven for wondering what possible business use they had in mind! We did!
It’s ok. This potential client was wondering whether a Cabin Master building could be adapted to incorporate a bathroom, to prevent employees walking into the main office and compromising social distancing measures and to avoid having to install unsightly ‘Portaloos’ on the premises.
We were able to advise that Cabin Master Garden Office Pods can indeed be partitioned to accommodate a range of purposes, from a kitchen to a break out area and, yes, you could even install a bathroom in one. In fact, this particular firm is looking at using one exclusively as a washroom and toilet - from our facilities buildings range. It’s alright, we’re not offended. You use yours for whatever purpose you like – we’re just happy to help.
It's not just office managers who are displaying these attributes of creativity and innovation either. They’re called Garden Office Pods for a reason. We don’t all work at a desk, or in an office and a work from home space cabin can facilitate whatever you do to earn a living.
We have had queries about their suitability as a workshop and repair shed, a packing and distribution company is even looking at having them installed in a warehouse to allow packers to work safely without feeling isolated.
So, set us a challenge. Put Cabin Master to the test.
Whether you’re an employee or self employed looking to work from home more effectively, a business seeking to boost work from home output from remote colleagues, or a firm looking to safely return your most valuable asset safely back into the workplace.
Find out more about how Cabin Master might be the perfect solution to the challenges faced by your business in the ‘new normal’. Call now on 0115 932 8888 or visit www.cabinmaster.co.uk.