Why You Should Create A Garden Cabin Playroom...

interior of a garden games room

You call your parents and announce the happy news: your family is expanding in just a few months! As you answer all of their delighted questions, you suddenly realise that your small home will be even more cramped with another addition to the house. Outgrowing a home, but being unable to move or extend the house, is a common problem in the UK. With small bedrooms, your children inevitably end up sprawling their toys along the living room floor. You then spend each evening picking up all of the bits and clearing away the extensive mess.

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With a garden playroom, however, you can outsource the kids' play area and reclaim your home!

A children's timber cabin can provide the perfect spot for kids to play safely together. Whether it's just your own children, or their friends visiting for the afternoon, you can save your sanity and preserve your home by directing all of their activities to the garden playroom.

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Benefits Of A Dedicated Play Space

The benefit of a wooden cabin is that you can fully customise it to suit your children's specific interests.

If you have an artistic member of the family, install an art area with paints and an easel, or stock up on craft supplies. You can fit a lot of extra storage space in your playroom, whether built-in or freestanding, and this can be adapted as your children grow up. You can get an electrician to install a TV or games console to keep noisy gaming away from your living room and contained outside.

If you have small children, you can also use chalkboard paint to create a wall specifically designed for their artwork! Save your home's own pristine wallpaper and encourage your toddler to express themselves only in their designated playroom.

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Design Flexibility

After investing in your children's play cabin, you'll want the space to function well throughout the year. Make sure that you consider heating and window choices when you begin designing your room.

Consider how many windows you want in the building, as these will allow you to air out the space in the summer.

You'll also want to look carefully at your choice of window location – don't put a wall right where there's a great garden view! Allow your playroom to blend seamlessly into your back garden and create an inspiring environment so that your children are excited to use it after a long day at school.

As the years go by the cabin will change purpose so you will always be maximising its use as your family’s needs evolve.

Say goodbye to stepping on Lego in the middle of the night! Contact Cabin Master today to begin designing your perfect garden playroom.

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