Is It Possible to Have a Garden Office Gym?
Well, the easy answer to the question as to whether you could have your own personalised garden office/ gym or not is a resounding ‘yes.’ So, instead of driving 20 minutes or so to your usual gym and having to lug your kit around with you all day, what you could be doing instead is spending that extra 20 minutes exercising with your kit already neatly folded and waiting for you in your smart garden office gym. Sounds good? It is! At least that’s what the clients for whom we have already built personalised garden office gyms tell us.
Benefits Of Having A Garden Office Gym
- It’s less than a minute’s stroll to your gym from your home, and just a few seconds from your desk!
- There’s no chance of getting snarled up in traffic en-route
- You don’t have to wait for anyone to finish on the machine you fancy
- You’re not going to bump into anyone who’ll disrupt your exercise routine
- There’s no ongoing gym membership to have to budget for
- You don’t feel guilty if you miss a session as it’s easy to make-up
- You can exercise right there and then while you have the urge
- No need for willpower - just the sight of your garden office gym should make you want to exercise
How To Set Up Your Garden Office Gym
Size and height of equipment. It’s a good idea to consider the type of equipment you fancy getting in your garden gym before you even think of the type of garden room to opt for. That’s because what you use will dictate the size and height of the garden room. Workout machines, for instance, tend to be quite tall and work best in a garden gym with a pitched roof, while a rowing machine or other floor exercisers will be fine with a lower, flat roof. If you’re using the garden room as an office as well, bear in mind you’ll need to include a desk, computer equipment, filing space etc, so take a look at compact workout stations rather than multiple pieces of bulky kit.
Ventilation and light. If you want lots of light in your garden gym office then consider having a wall of glass panels which you can slide open in the summer to allow in fresh air – either that or clear glass bi-folding doors. Natural light is far healthier than artificial bulbs and being able to open these glass panels will boost your vitamin D intake. They will also help you cut back on the cost of air conditioning inside your garden office gym. And don’t worry about being seen through the glass by the rest of the family or the neighbours – we offer tinted glass options or you can buy blinds to preserve your modesty.
Decoration. Most gyms these days have music videos on to keep you motivated. It’s easy enough to secure a TV or DVD recorder on a ledge on the wall, or to hang up some LED motivation quotes to keep you going when you find yourself flagging. Then again, there are always vertical mirror panels we can hang if you feel you may be in need of more hard-core motivation. Mirrors can also open up the internal space and make a small garden office appear far more spacious.
With such small and dinky portable toilets and shower cubes available these days it’s easy to make room for one in your garden gym. Here at Cabin Master we can take care of all the electrics for you, as well as under-floor heating for winter and any additional plumbing needs you might have.
Find out more about the type of choices you have for a garden office or gym – and how you can go on to customise it - by downloading our free e-book The Ultimate Guide to Garden Rooms here. You can also call us on 0115 932 8888 for a chat or check out some previous projects on our garden offices page.